APF ensures natural wellness
APF honey is a natural and sweet superfood that helps you improve your quality of life.

APF certifies honey’s health benefits
APF honey prevents the growth of microbes avoiding the development of gastric diseases and acute infections, in both exposed wounds and ulcers. This prevents discomfort that affects your daily life, improving your quality of life in all aspects.
APF honey fights bacteria,
you feel relief
Bacteria found in the intestine that can cause cramps, bloody diarrhea, nausea and vomit. Young children, the elderly and those with a weakened immune system are more susceptible to the bacteria.
Causes infection in exposed wounds and produces boils, pimples, acne and pus. It may also attack inner tissue, for example generating ulcers.
Bacteria that attacks the intestine and the digestive system. It has symptoms such as vomit, fever, dizziness, diarrhea and if the bacteria attacks inner tissues, bloody diarrhea.
APF is energy
It is also an energy shot, that comes from different native flowers with high activity, rich in different types of minerals and antioxidants.

Which APF factor suits me best?

This honey is recommended to strengthen the immune system. Its daily use improves the antibodies and energy levels.

This honey is recommended for very active people that consume a lot of energy like Athletes, Students and workers in high demand conditions or in stressful situations.

This honey has high activity levels. Even though Patagonia is a vast area, bees recollect small quantities of this honey each year. It is recommended to treat infections of exposed wounds, ulcers, gastritis and other types of infections.
APF certifies beekeepers who follow the best practices

